Spread the Good News Like Never Before!
“Together we are witnessing an exciting period of history in the ministry of Awana. There are strategic and fruitful opportunities for innovative and impactful ministry happening right now that your gift will propel forward! God is opening doors of opportunity that we could never have imagined for the Good News of the Gospel to be shared. Thank you for joining us in the timely mission of discipling a resilient generation…a generation who will thrive in their faith in a world few of us will ever see. Now that’s a visionary investment.”
Matt Markins, Awana President and CEO
“Together we are witnessing an exciting period of history in the ministry of Awana. There are strategic and fruitful opportunities for innovative and impactful ministry happening right now that your gift will propel forward! God is opening doors of opportunity that we could never have imagined for the Good News of the Gospel to be shared. Thank you for joining us in the timely mission of discipling a resilient generation…a generation who will thrive in their faith in a world few of us will ever see. Now that’s a visionary investment.”
Matt Markins, Awana President and CEO
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Engage 5 Million More Kids with the Gospel!
In the summer of 2022, Awana celebrated the milestone of reaching and engaging 5 million kids weekly with the Gospel and life-changing discipleship! A gift to reach the next 5 million kids and beyond will equip us to be agile and ready to move wherever God leads us in bringing the Gospel and discipleship to kids around the world for years to come!